This tutorial is designed to walk you through adding user roles to your discord.
- Go to your server settings by clicking the ↓ next to your server name
- Under server settings, go down to roles & create roles.
- Create your roles. Under roles, you can determine colors, permissions, members of a certain role, etc. You can also edit what permissions all default users have as well as see what your server looks like to a particular user.
Tip: For moderators, you probably want them to have the ability to ban members, timeout members, manage nicknames, kick members, manage messages, manage threads, manage members and events.
Tip: I recommend 4 default roles: everyone, community, moderators and admins. You should be EXTREMELY selective about admins and only have a limited few who you trust. You can also create additional roles as time goes on for things like subscribers, followers, VIPs, etc.
Tip: You probably want to create a community role and turn off the ability for everyone to embed links, attach files, do @ all mentions, use externals. Creating a community role allows you to filter people so that only those who have either agreed to your rule set OR those who have been approved by moderators to use abilities that could cause potential drama for you.
I recommend allowing users to create links and manage their own nicknames on the server.